Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My birthday celebration at the petting zoo

A few days after my birthday, hubby and I took the kids out to the petting zoo. Not a typical celebration for a now-34 year old, but we had fun. Here is a pic of me with my little man and the carrot on a stick that we fed to the guinea pigs.

Hero and I got some use of the carrot too. Or maybe Hero and I started with the carrot...
We moved on to goats and kangkong (water spinach). This ram had beautiful curved horns.

In the vermin pen. I admit, I'm afraid of these little buggers.

Hubby, not letting hte carrot go to waste.

Ty and the goats.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a really fun day. I love petting zoos, even if things spit at you sometimes. :)

    Spinning Lovely Days
